Friday, November 30, 2012


So as it turns out, getting used to the blogging regular thing is harder than I originally imagined, but I am hoping that I will eventually get it to be a regular thing. Anyway, something I love so much is a good quote. I love reading the profound words of other people. I want to share some of those quotes. I will probably do this often so hopefully it is not an over load. Here are some of my favorites these days.

Friday, November 2, 2012

1001 Books

I recently, on Monday came across a reading list..."1001 Books you MUST read before you die". I of course was intrigued so I clicked the link and there they were 1001 books that I should read. So I have decided to read them. One by one. It might take me until I die, but I will finish the list and I will share my thoughts along the way. I am sure there will be some I love and some I suffered through, but check them out. There are some good ones there. 

The First Book:

Never Let Me Go by: Kazou Ishiguro